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BEING BROKEN HEARTED IS MOST COMMONLY A RESULT OF YOUR RELATIONSHIP BEING ENDED BY THE OTHER PERSON. YOU DIDN'T WANT IT TO HAPPEN BUT SHE HAS MADE HER DECISION AND LEFT YOU IN A MESS. HOWEVER, I AM GOING TO GIVE YOU ALL THE INFORMATION YOU NEED TO GET BACK ON TRACK AND START FEELING GREAT ONCE AGAIN. "If you have any questions or would like to know more about how to get over your ex-girlfriend or being broken hearted then please let me know in the comments section below. I love reading your responses and always try to respond to as many of them as possible. " Some broken hearts are easier to heal than others... Are you hung up on your ex-girlfriend? Do you spend many a sleepless night feeling upset and depressed, wishing for nothing more than to be with her? If yes, then I'd say you're a newly anointed member of the broken hearted club. It truly saddens me that you feel this way, but I want you to know that there is a solution and I promise you will not feel this way forever. We are going to get to stage where you wouldn't want to take her back even if she got down on all fours and begged you to, so let's get started!STEP ONE - LETTING GO OF YOUR IDEALIZATIONS The first step to getting over your ex-girlfriend is to realize that these fantasies of how amazing she is and how she might take you back are not real. You may find yourself fixated on the memories of when you first met and how happy you were and how, if she would get back together with you, you could feel that happy again. This is no good and you need to stop. The reality of the situation is your ex-girlfriend was not perfect and getting back together after she has finished with you would be a colossal mistake. Things in life change; sometimes this can be for the better and sometimes for the worse. Something had changed in your relationship and this caused you to grow apart. Getting back together would be forcing a relationship to happen that just doesn't work anymore. When it comes to pining for her, you have to realize that you have so much more to experience when it comes to women and relationships. The reason you feel so desperate to have her back is because you did not choose to end the relationship and human nature often finds us desiring the things we can't have. All in all, you have to start eliminating these fantasies from your thoughts.STEP TWO - TURN YOUR UPSET INTO POSITIVE ACTION It's also a really great idea to utilize the upset and anger you feel to move in a more positive and productive direction. Instead of focusing on the upset you feel as a result of the break up use this opportunity to make yourself better at something. This could be striving for more success in your career, improving your health and fitness or taking up a new hobby. Whatever it is you decide to do, use it to keep yourself busy and be more productive with your life. The efforts that you make in these areas of your life will give you a greater sense of fulfillment and success. This will improve your confidence and really help you when you feel ready to head back out into the world of dating.STEP THREE - SURROUND YOURSELF WITH THE GREAT PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE It is moments like a break-up when will learn more about who your true friends really are. If you find yourself struggling with the burden of moving on from an ex-girlfriend, then get together with some of your closest buddies and go do something fun. Perhaps head down to the bar for a catch up or even set off on a weekend break to really clear your head. Whatever you choose to do make sure you immerse yourself among all the people who you care about most. These are the people that will always be there for you and they value you much more than she ever did. They know how to put a smile on your face and they will always be there to support you.STEP FOUR - ALLOW YOURSELF TO FEEL CONFIDENT AND SEXY Just because this girl was dumb enough to dump you doesn't mean you are not sexy or attractive to women. If you have found yourself feeling like this then perhaps it is time to revamp your style and catch up with some of the latest fashions. Take a trip to your local shopping mall and take a look at what is hot at the moment. You can also use fashion blogs or magazines like GQ to get a better understanding of the clothing and accessories at are in this season. Don't be afraid to try different styles and experiment with the clothes you wear. It is all about getting rid of the old and bringing in the new. Being adventurous and making changes is the best way to combat the ending of a relationship. I hope these tips have been helpful for you and I encourage you to put them into practice right now! I guarantee you are not going to feel broken hearted forever and as soon as you start putting this advice into action and moving forward, the sooner you will start to feel so much better.
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