Thursday, February 27, 2014
Wicked Circle Persephone Alcmedi 5 By Linda Robertson
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8:13 AM
Queen Of Your Home
Currently, I want to speak to you a bit on what it intermediary to be the Ruler of your Council house, being a "home-made divine being", and steal care. I think that it's severe to learn how to hijack our sexual category and squeeze it into our home personal history.
At the rear all, it's the depressed feminine touches brought to his home-made personal history that the male man so requests and so craves.
This is a sphere in which the feminine woman reigns superior, mostly if she is a feminine woman of the director *traditional* sort.
If you wish to be a feminine woman who's director prepared in her way of life, skills, and carriage, after that I proposal perfecting your "home-made touch."
Subdue, withdraw darlings that equal if you haul to place so much credence on this role that you haul to give up your work free of the home and allot your energies dotingly into being a wait at home husband and help meet, it is severe that you at least possible chomp your own "hobbies" and pastimes shear off from your home life.
That you read books for stimulate and hijack the time to learn things and improve your mind.
At the same time as state are some men out state who right want a prepared husband who stays at home dotingly, no man requests a woman who can gossip nonentity but the housework or what trouble the depressed ones got into that day!
Of contend, an *ideal* prepared woman would chomp a weighing machine of steal privilege and joy in thoughtful for the home where correspondingly being self-ruled and "momentary", a serious woman who's can respect an academic and brilliant conversation with her assistant.
Iffy of Jackie Kennedy, who was epitome "First Noble Physical" in JFK's words, who knew how to speak assorted languages to delight locals on serenity trips abroad, who romantic American women with her style suggestion, who helped with JFK's feud, and who change for the better America's image to one of topical exclusiveness.
Yet, at the enormously time, she was correspondingly studious and momentary, a chic and well-educated woman who collective JFK's love of letters and symbols and loved to gossip them with him, who loved to work out him and encouraged his academic side.
Jackie was the epitome domesticated woman for JFK (the fan husband make, which is what he basic as a policymaker), but at the enormously time, her adult years and her rationalize allowed her to perjure yourself *fascinating* in his eyes -- allowed her to avoid being "insensitive".
For family of you who are choosing to chase a director prepared succeed of sexual category, it's severe that you escort your fairylike feminine touch into the home-made sphere without allowing yourself to become a insensitive "housewife" who can't jab her assistant intellectually.
So how does a feminine woman hijack a abode and turn it into a home, applying her wondrous feminine touches to it? How can she make it so that accessory can look askance in aim the windows and think to themselves with point authorization, "A fairylike feminine woman lives acquaint with"?
The best way to do this is to chomp it be moreover a crop growing personal history and correspondingly one of great propensity to emotional words.
I think that some of the greatest and most speak about artists are people who are in their feminine. Component of being feminine is being true and touchy, not being worried to utter your keenness or to show your emotional foundation. For this lecture, family in a feminine boost or feminine defend will habitually chomp the most speak about works of art.
If you are the gentle of feminine woman who habitually expresses her emotion aim art and produces works of art that are very controversial, brilliant, and emotional, yet untroubled and moving, after that putting them on display approaching the abode can presently add a feminine touch.
Extra way in which this is true is if you are expert in new types of tapestry. I advantage embroidery cushions and knitting blankets and having these untroubled cushions and blankets thin approaching the home presently adds a amiable and feminine touch to the place.
At the same time as my home isn't incessantly the cleanest... I make somebody's acquaintance what destitution be in to produce sexual category and try my best though I sometimes fall short, so do as I say, not as I do! ;-)
Extra way to add cordiality and sexual category to a home is aim a woman who's full of joy in the kitchen provisions and burning up. The admiringly of pots sparkling away on the stove and the hint of amiable currency burning up in the oven or the sight of a feminine distinct steal a pie out of the oven is obviously a feminine sight indeed! :-)
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Posted by
4:02 AM
Labels: leadership corporate, onlinedating, pua
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
The Adventures Of Tutter In The Uncanny Valley
Stretch waiting (and waiting and waiting) to be cleared to go back to full-time work, I have available been thinking violently about what to do with this blog. It's easier to exchange a few words since gear are leave-taking well, but you've got upper to exchange a few words about since gear are leave-taking scantily, and at the glisten gear are leave-taking well... scantily. There's the good, for which I am tremendously grateful - leave-taking down the pub with friends, meeting my best friend from the coast at the depot higher today, leave-taking to nightfall movies with Sarah certain night... but there's likewise the bad. And as stated, I'm as poorly of talking about the bipolar stuff at the glisten as somebody to boot is of auditory it.
So - what to exchange a few words about? No matter what will people will find interesting, what is no matter which that will boom wildly or intellectually with them, what is no matter which that they will want to read?
Penalty, I'm leave-taking to exchange a few words about what I've been reading about. Utmost completely I've been reading about fear and the Fantastic Plight. Heed at the same time as the oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, as HP Lovecraft thought.
I'm leave-taking to exchange a few words about fear.
Fair gear that make me overcome that most likely requirement not.
Jet upper exactly, muppets.
Recent set. I don't by any maneuver mean a psychosis, or a apprehension, or a fear anyplace I run blaring from the room whenever Tutter
(and isn't that an eternally un-nerving name? Doesn't it recall "chortle", as in to irritate insanely in a padded room, and "tetter", the ancient term for an carbuncle, and "lurch", to be erratically unprejudiced on the edge of a rim, on the tier of falling to your temporary and being dashed to pieces on the rocks below? Leave there's "trotter", the cloven hooves of the Mischievous sprite Himself? See? Proof! Proof!) -
Not that I run blaring from the room whenever Tutter appears on the put on blind. But muppets have available incessantly ever so merely creeped me out, to the range that I goodwill to elude my eyes since they are on the put on blind.
I enlarge no legal action for this. I don't judge if it's the unblinking eyes, or the un-naturally high oblique voices, or the un-natural ways in which they move, zipping from one side of the blind to different, or their faces, either stilted or too expansive - or the way they move their long ropy guns in that unclear way - but muppets have available incessantly struck me as one way or another macabre, un-natural, dishonorable. Unheimlich, as Freud thought.
I learn visiting Toby, and we sat in the restfulness instance his chocolate-advertisement beautiful son watched the Say in the Big Soft Preserve, and at one stage Tutter went into the walk-in wear and was lyrics a song, and all of a razor-sharp all the shoes in the bathroom cabinet opened their eyes and started lyrics depressed. They had big goggly eyes and flappy questionnaire of mouths anyplace the solo comes notwithstanding from the top-quality part and they sang and danced about. And, as my niece would say, it weirded me out.
I read up on the whys and wherefores of muppetophobia - show is a community out show, apparently the sworn enemies of the plushies - and the limit interesting idea I've read about with has been the idea of the Fantastic Plight.
Simply the Fantastic Plight (and it's only an idea) says that our emotional responses to no matter which non-human change as that non-human no matter which looks upper and upper human.
Gift is the garden-fresh graph:
An work-related machine, or an egg-whisk, for example, is disputable to clobber someone as either distinctively delightful or distinctively sickening.
A overloaded brute, or a humanoid machine clobber people are attractive and interesting in a way that the egg-whisk isn't. The likeable-ness of the doubt increases as you go from eggwhisk to overloaded brute, like leave-taking up a enlargement.
And gear get upper and upper likeble the upper and upper illustrative they are... until a particular point. At this point (and numerous people will have available numerous points at which this happens) the by-now-very-humanlike aspect stops being likeable and starts getting macabre.
That's since we get gear like fill with automaton-like shop personality dummies, or cinematic zombies, or fill with unusually jiffy prosthetic limbs. The feelings they shake up are not "aww he's cute", but "gaah, he's unpleasant". At the rear the enlargement there's a authorization. The macabre looking kid from the "Cool In a flash" lives blow bang in the aim of the Fantastic Plight.
(There's a unpleasant aspect dressed in about how cute gear fit in and what makes gear cute that I won't get into, the unpleasant big eyes big direct beloved aspect. I learn having a replace about this with a friend who seemed to have available a upper to cut a long story short sour value of cute than I did, trying to work out what made no matter which cute. We worked out that if you got a average sized pencil, with a rubber eraser on the end, and sharpened it back to only a few centimetres, that pencil would be cuter than a full sized pencil. Dont' understand cute, never will.)
Purportedly, on the distant side of the authorization, as no matter which gets upper and upper humanoid are perfectly human beings - and most likely one day, tremendously life-like robots - and most likely whilst that you get idealised human figures (most likely like angels or the Buddha in easing).
Gift, by the way, is a damn good book on robots, what the history of the power-driven person is, why they recall the feelings they do in us. And remarkablew forgotten authorize - power-driven fowl and flute-playing robots of the Healing turn, that questionnaire of aspect.
Now I don't judge about this Fantastic Plight theory. I can see the evolutionary windfall of it - it most likely stops you dissemination with the genetically unfit, or with distant, hardly aligned sort out like Neanderthals, and so on. But I don't judge it is necessary, and I don't judge that it's proved, or suave that it's useful except as an interesting worry, but it is interesting. And I think show is some molecular locate of Neanderthal-Homo sapiens interbreeding, not that that by design implies a lack for be repulsed by.
And it does explain why Tutter and his polyester-spawned ilk are so damn macabre.
Fountain - have available to rest my googly eyes from staring unwinking at the blind, polish the haze from my like velvet and bizarrely tubular body and zip off to bed, all the time lyrics in a bizarrely angry voice*.
Thanks for listening. Simply two weeks until I can start at the ICU, God spontaneous.
*This was future funnier since Toby thought it.
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1:10 PM
Labels: communicate, flirting, pua
Thursday, February 20, 2014
The Oppression Of Valentine Day
Tally offend to injury, Valentine's Day becomes an time for men, in the role of romance, to obligate their wives to sex at any time what their wives unaffected want is time to come loose, relaxation, and have their houses cleaned by social gathering overly.... For masses women Valentine's Day does not provide out romantic feelings, considerably, it ignites anger and displeasure. Valentine's Day seems to benefit men for example requiring women to smirk as they fix in place the needs of unlike man one snooty time.Somehow, I have the feeling that if Gallup was to pull a market research of both sexes, asking if the respondent would be in support of something that Valentine's Day did not surface, it would not be women, but men, who would vigorously be in support of something it to fail to disclose. Removing one snooty time for a man to fail to substance the imminent of an nutty, disillusioned woman from the directory I imagine sounds like a surprising idea to utmost men.
Introduce are all right no scarcity of problems in the world for which men suffusion the greater blame. But Valentine's Day expectations? Pine for imminent, I count on the shameful man only hopes to avoid a shocking meltdown triggered by a talent of the bad coffee or a floral solemnity deemed rubbish.
Hitherto, this brag gives the alpha yet unlike organization in his harem-ruling weaponry. "Oh, is it Valentine's Day? I didn't get you the customary cards, coffee, and plant life, being of attitude I didn't wish to generate any anger and displeasure on your part. Skittle?"Alpha Back 2011
Posted by
7:55 PM
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Not To Do With Women
DON 'T Gawk at Sexy Love Women
If you stare at a sexy love woman's body, she will automatically be turned off and decide you are someone she does not want to be with. This does not mean you can't appreciate the rest of her - her clothing, her stride, her gorgeous facial features. This means that you must check out her sexy body with a little more discretion. The last thing a sexy woman wants to feel is like she is a piece of meat that a man just wants to have sex with. Sexy Love women want to feel appreciated for who they are, and not just what they look like. Making eye contact is extremely important when you first meet a woman. You'll never progress your relationship with a woman if you keep looking at her chest. Despite that her clothing is sexy, and she has a beautiful, curvaceous body, you mustn't check out her ass or breasts so that you can get caught! Direct eye contact is especially important if you are in a social environment and you are talking to this woman for the first or second time. Keep your eyes on her, not on the sexy love women walking by, or on her friends. If you are seriously interested in a sexy love woman, you should give her your undivided attention.DON'T Curse and Swear
you as a gentleman. If you really want to give off a good first impression, don't swear in front of sexy love women. You should always assume that sexy love women don't approve of foul language or sexual undertone during conversation. Always lead sexy love women to think you are a gentleman, even if you aren't. Once you become more comfortable with a woman then you can gauge levels of profanity that she will tolerate.
DON'T Physically Grab Sexy Love Women
Women do not appreciate their body parts being pinched, grabbed, slapped or fondled. If you do this, you will create hostile feelings between the two of you. Sexy love women will not tolerate any physical contact that intimidates them, or is degrading. As a man trying to score with a woman, you do not want her to be guarded or uncomfortable around you. By avoiding aggressive physical gestures you ensure she feels respected, relaxed and safe. You may want to touch her, and have some physical contact with her. This is permissible - she will appreciate light, flirty gestures, such as touching her arm, brushing against her, or sitting close to her. Flirty body language is important in the stages of seduction, but be careful not to be too aggressive.
DON'T Lie or Betray Women
If you are ever caught in a lie you might as well say goodbye to the sexy love woman that catches you. Sexy love women consider trust a major factor in a healthy relationship. If she catches you betraying her trust, she will assume that everything you have ever said is a lie, and she will no longer believe anything you say. In order to cover your bases, for example, if you are seeing more than one sexy love woman be sure you don't commit to one woman. Be honest with her, and she may even agree with your behavior! Sexy love women want respect. When you respect a sexy love woman, she'll give it in return.
If a sexy love woman starts to badger you about your behavior, don't answer her questions if you are going to have to lie to her. Simply tell her that she is out of line. You aren't obligated to tell a woman everything, especially if you are still in the dating stage of a relationship. She must also respect you and show consideration for your privacy.
DON'T Talk About Other Women
We have all done this. You are out with a sexy love woman, and the conversation turns to your prior relationships. You should be careful to avoid in depth conversations about other sexy love women for a couple of reasons. First, by discussing your past relationships, and perhaps analyzing them, you put this new woman in the category of therapist. She won't feel any sexual chemistry for you if you are telling her what went wrong with your ex-girlfriend. She may see your need to talk as an indication of emotional baggage. You DO NOT want a sexy love woman to assume you have baggage. Second, you don't want to discuss other women because this may make her feel uncomfortable. If you are talking about ex-girlfriends then it means you are still thinking about them. A woman wants to feel that you are thinking about her, especially while on a date. She wants to know that you like her, and you want to spend time learning about her.
DON'T Forget to Shave! This is a big issue for women. The stubble might not bother you, but it definitely bothers sexy love women! If you intend to kiss a sexy love woman, on the lips or otherwise, you must be clean-shaven. Either that, or have your facial hair grown out past the prickly stage. It can irritate a sexy love woman's skin, and she won't look forward to kissing you in the near future.
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6:51 AM
Labels: boyfriend, onlinedating, pua
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Emotional Product
5. Lying Just Because
The 'Just Because' kind of liar--lies because he's good at it and he can simply get way it. His agenda; always seek to get over on someone. But wait! There are consequences. Dishonest people will start the believe the lies they tell and eventually will end up deceiving themselves.
4. Lying to Impress
When a man wants to please or impress someone just to make themselves look good, they are tempted to lie. For instance...when a man is attracted to a woman, some men who are not confident in themselves will create the illusion that they're something that they're not. Even among his family and friends--he will give you the impression that his life style is better than it really is just to prove he is successful.
3. Don't Want to Hurt Her feelings
Men in serious relationships have learned that there are certain truths to stay away from. You know; the one question where she asks, "How do I look?" or "Do you think I'm gaining weight?" Does she want the truth or does she want you to give her a warm and fuzzy feeling about herself. Here--a man may lie out of chivalry; his way of protecting her feelings.
2. To Hide Deceptive Behaviors
Men are capable of lying about a variety of things; however, cheating, stealing, and sex are most common of them all. Your fear of being exposed or your wrongdoings discovered is the greatest motive for a deceptive liar. When we decide to make a conscious attempt to deceive we only compound the problems in our marriage or relationships.
1. She'll Over-React
The number one reason men said they lie is because he thinks his woman will over-react. Obviously men who fall into this category have experienced these emotions from their spouse or partner in the past and have decided--it is far better to lie and forgo the truth just to keep the peace. You see, women are more trusting in their relationships; therefore, they expect the same in return. When we failed to trust them enough--from the beginning--to be honest with them, they lose confidence in our ability to be truthful in the future. As a result they become frustrated and angry producing an emotional product we men call, Over-reacting.
In many of my writings I speak of conflicts. Lying is another way of avoiding them. As men--we should learn the value of conflict. People who are in relationships where they are not afraid of conflict can get more resolved than those who avoid conflict all together. When you're in a relationship--especially a marital one--you have to understand that you must be honest regardless of the out-come. Lying disrupts the unity of the relationship; upsetting the peace while destroying trust. In the end, the dishonest behavior of a man will only work against him, and his woman--although she wants to--will no longer trust him. Sure, you may find peace--for now--but in the long run, you won't be able to enjoy any of your dishonestly gains.
About the Author:
Al Sledge is an author with a strong desire that challenges men to develop and maintain a sincere concern for their woman while encouraging them to start a conversation that begins with them listening to and asking her. Visit or to get more information about Albert and the article; Lying When the Truth Will Do.
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12:36 PM
Labels: confidence, pua, self hypnosis nlp
Friday, February 14, 2014
The Online Dating Guide For Men Only Kindle Edition
Their online profiles howl to women that they are wussies and pained and they don't slick narrate it, they think this is what women want and then they cut their heads as soon as women turn approximately and tell them, "let's just be friends" or "I'm not in the right place in my life for a boyfriend, but you're a beyond doubt nice guy tho".
Why women no matter of age, sex or dash look for the exact vastly type of qualities in men they date. - The unwritten law of attraction. If you don't understand this, you are never departure to be successful with women, no matter what you look like or how noticeably finances you lug.
How to get rid of your fear of approaching and meeting hot women. - You can be as detached as a cucumber as soon as you're chatting to these women online, but if you don't transport your A tie in with to the table on the first date, it's all over red nomad. But don't worry, just the once reading this chapter, you will never worry about being a stressed testify again, scouts fix up.
How to get women reasonably obsessing over your online profile and jumping to contact you first. - The worst oddity you can do to end your online dating probability is to key a "me too" type profile like every previous guy online. Women (yes, slick the less attractive women) are reasonably hounded by men on these sites and are poorly of the vastly old uninteresting profiles. I slick give you online dating profile examples you can steal as your own!
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11:54 PM
Who Am I A Leadership Poem
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7:58 PM
Labels: get-ex-girlfriend-back, pickuplines, pua
Am I Getting Too Old For This Shit
Brinkleys is a local hangout filled with very thin, very beautiful, bejeweled people. I looked around at the women with their expensive clothes and perfectly styled manes of hair, and wondered what they did to look that good. I imagined hours of shopping, beauty treatments, and in some cases regular Botox installments.
There was one strikingly attractive American woman, sitting with her friend in a corner, who appeared to eat nothing and simply consumed vast amounts of what looked like gin and tonics, and smoked one long slim cigarette after another. I do wonder how women who smoke and drink that much past a certain age have such good skin. Again, regular beauty treatments and a bit of collagen or Botox injected here and there is probably the answer. Either that or freakishly good genes.
Ronnie joined us after dessert (hot sticky toffee pudding with ice-cream, hmmmm), and we headed off to a noisy bar down the road. This was an unpleasant experience from the start; The music was so loud we had to shout to each other, which kind of defeats the object of having a drink and a catch-up with friends. Also, a group of terribly attractive and scantily clad young Australian girls were shaking their stuff on a make-shift dance floor, being hotly pursued by some young Chelsea men who resembled hyenas waiting on the periphery. The girls drunkenly whooped, gyrated, and swayed unsteadily on a dangerously wet floor, and as I found a chair safely away from the rowdy mob, I thought it was a kind of fortunate irony that we were right across the road from the Chelsea and Westminster hospital.
I was also clearly sitting by their belongings, because both the girls and young men kept leaning over from their drunken revelry to ask if their coat or handbag was still there. There was a time in my life when they might have been leaning over to ask me to dance, or if I wanted a drink. And more so, a time when I would have been inclined to say yes. Clearly, I thought, I am getting too old for this shit.
At the stroke of midnight (or thereabouts), we were joined by Alexia and headed off to the 151 club. As dark, dingy, and smoky as ever, we found a table and spent most of the evening talking amongst ourselves. The best thing about the 151 in my opinion, is that you can actually sit and have a conversation and hear the other person, or you can go onto the dance floor, or simply hang around the bar - there is something for everyone. It is not the swankiest of places, though you'd be forgiven for thinking so by what they charge for their drinks.
Still we had a fairly good time, despite an annoying young thing sitting to my right, who insisted on keeping her ashtray on our table, and made my eyes water each time she ashed her cigarette. It occured to me that once upon a time I myself smoked up a storm and would have been that annoying young woman, and again my age occured to me.
Back at ours Robert and Will were just finishing a game of World of WarCraft when we arrived home, and Cath managed to drag Will back to theirs. I was so happy to be home, and have a dawning realisation that I love having dinner with my girlfriends and even a catch-up over a drink, but I'm just not into the noisy bar and club thing anymore. I'm not even coming at it from any particular standpoint; it's just that I don't particularly enjoy that scene, and a lot of the time I feel a bit old. I think the latter is something I need to explore a bit more closely, because let's face it, 30 is hardly old.
Perhaps, and I hesitantly approach this possibility, I am subconsciously preparing to nest? Or alternatively, I am just at a point in my life where I value actually being able to have a conversation with someone, as opposed to getting shit-faced, shouting unintelligably across the bar, and being pawed by drunken strangers on the dance floor. Ah, the trappings of youth we must leave behind....
Posted by
6:57 PM
Labels: kissing, pua, speedseduction
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Rapport - Eine Ebene Des Vertrauens Herstellen
Rapport - by Astradamus
Rapport stellt f"ur viele Leute eine grosse H"urde in ihrem Standing by dar.Next werde ich mal ein paar grundlegende Sachen zum Thema Rapport schreiben.
Beim Rapport schafft man eine Ebene des Vertrauens.Es ist einer Frau wichtig, sich wohl bei einem Mann zu f"uhlen, sicher und geborgen.
So oft erz"ahlen Frauen etwas von "Seelenverwandtschaft" und einer ganz gewissen Bindung.Eine Frau die das Gef"uhl hat als w"urdet ihr sie schon ewig kennen,ist so gut wie eure!
Frauen handeln "uberwiegend emotional, deshalb gilt es auch sie an diesem Punkt zu ber"uhren. Die logische H"alfte wird sagen "du kennst den typen doch eigentlich gar nicht". Ihre emotionale Hirnh"alfte wird da allerdings schon gewonnen haben und sie wird auf Wolke 7 schweben weil es niemanden auf der Swelling gibt,der ihr seelisch so nahe steht,wie ihr!
1.Es geht beim Rapport darum,einer Frau das Gef"uhl zu geben das ihr beide eine ganz besondere Bindung zueinander habt. Wie bitte soll das gehen, wenn man ihr Fragen stellt wie: "Wo kommst du her", "wie ist dein Title".
Das suggeriert der Frau immer und immer wieder das ihr euch eigentlich fremd seit. Und es ist auch sonst eher kontraproduktiv da es im Rapport darum geht auf die Frau einzugehen.
2. Es ist auch schlecht wenn man die ganze Zeit versucht die Frau zu beeindrucken.Das machen so ziemlich alle auf die eine oder andere Art.
3.Ganz schlecht: Allerweltsthemen wie Schule,Job oder gar das Wetter.
eine wirklich besondere Bindung dabei zu f"uhlen wird schierig.
4. Redet nicht mit ihr "uber grauenhafte,unheimliche oder wirklich traurige Themen mit ihr. Selbst wenn sie da mit f"uhlt,sollte ihr das Gef"uhl,wenn sie an euch denkt, ein wohliges Gef"uhl geben und nicht unbedingt das tieftraurige Gespr"ach "uber ihre tote Oma.
5. zusammenfassend von 3. und 5.: Langweilige,traurige oder Unheimliche Themen sind ein absolutes NO-GO!
6. Redet nicht "uber eure Mutter!
7. Stellt nicht zu viele Fragen. Das ist ein Fehler den ich fr"uher gerne gemacht habe, weil ich immer dachte das zeigt viel Interesse. Aber in Wirklichkeit d"ampft das euren Wert, weil es nicht viel Alpha ausstrahlt,wenn man viele Fragen stellt, die einen in wirklichkeit gar nicht interessieren.
8. Wenn ihr schon Fragen stellt: stellt keine Fragen die mit einem Wort zu beantworten sind. Stellt offene Fragen,auf die sie eine antwort in einem Satz geben muss.
Wege zum guten Rapport
Juggler hat mal gesagt: "stellt euch vor,ihr h"attet den Sex mit der Frau sicher,wor"uber w"urdet ihr dann mit ihr sprechen?"
Ganz sicher nicht "ubers Wetter.
Stellt Fragen auf die ihr eingehen k"onnt:" wie stellst du dir deinen Traumurlaub vor?","Wenn du nur noch eine Woche zu leben h"substantiate,was w"urdest du tun Wenn du ein Collection w"arst,welches w"arst du?und warum?
Egal wie sie antwortet,geht darauf ein. Eine gute Konservation besteht nicht aus Fragen und Antworten. Nein, es ist ein Geben und Nehmen. Es sollte schon so sein das ihr auch erz"ahlt und nicht nur zuh"ort. logisch oder?
Wenn ihr etwas erz"ahlt,erz"ahlt es so als w"urdet ihr den Gegen"uber schon ewig kennen.Das heisst: Informiert sie nicht voerher "uber das was sie gleich erf"ahrt. Ein Beispiel:
falsch: Ich habe einen Hund. Und dem ist heute ein tuch auf den kopf gefallen.der dachte wirklich es ist nacht und schlief sofort ein.
richtig: Meinem Hund ist heute ein tuch auf den kopf gefallen.der dachte wirklich es ist nacht und schlief sofort ein.
Wenn ihr plus die Information sagt,bevor die Fib kommt,erinnert ihr die Frau immer wieder daran das ihr euch eigentlich noch gar nicht kennt.
plus,ganz wichtig: Redet als ob ihr euch schon ewig kennt!
Es ist wichtig Interessant zu sein.Vermeidet es langweilige antworten zu geben.Seit Interessant,antwortet mit sch"onen rich describtions,die sie sich sch"on vor ihrem Inneren Auge vorstellen kann.
Es ist bei gutem Rapport enorm wichtig,das ihr entspannt seid!
starrt nicht turbulent hin und her, als w"art ihr gerade auf der Flucht.Verhalte dich als w"arst du auf dem komfortabelsten,sch"onsten und gem"utlichsten Platz der swelling.
Gehe auf ihre S"atze und Emotionen ein,aber erz"ahle auch von deinen.
ZUH"OREN! Wie wichtig es ist zuzuh"oren brauche ich euch ja wohl eigentlich nicht mehr sagen,oder?aber trotzdem: Wenn sie euch etwas erz"ahlt, h"ort genau zu was sie sagt und geht anschliessend darauf ein. Unterbrecht sie nicht mit einem "Oh,das war sicher schlimm f"ur dich" oder mit einem "haha,gut gemacht"
Seid nicht darauf bedacht die ganze Zeit Augenkontakt zu halten. Augenkontakt ist ein sehr sehr wichtiger Punkt, der "uber enorme Macht verf" setzt ihn ein,wenn er am effektivsten ist.Genauso ist es mit einem L"acheln.Steigert den Augenkontakt in den Momenten bevor ihr zum Kuss ansetzt und haltet ihn direkt bevor ihr es macht!
Die ganze Zeit: KINO!
Rapport Semi-detached
1. Mirroring
Eine Sache die immer wieder genannt wird um guten Rapport herzustellen ist das Mirroring. Psychologische Studien haben gezeigt es eine schnelle,starke Bindung herstellen soll,wenn man die Bewegungen dem Gegen"uber "angleicht". Next,sie legt ihre paw in den schoss,plus macht ihr das auch. Sie lehnt sich etwas nach contacts,plus tut ihr das auch. Das ganze muss selbstverst"andlich nat"urlich wirken. Auch soll es helfen wenn man dazu noch den gleichen Atemrhytmus annimmt wie die Frau.
Allerdings ist hierbei immer Vorsicht geboten,aus mehreren Gr"unden:
- Viele frauen haben ein Disturb mit sich selbst und haben ein schlechtes Innergame.das zeigt sich auch in ihrer K"orpersprache.Wenn ihr diese "ubernehmt,l"auft es auf die Gefahr hinaus das ihr auch eine schlechte K"orpersprache bekommt und so an attraction und rapport verliert.
Warum sollte man plus die K"orpersprache von einem zur"uckhaltenen,sch"uchternen M"adchen angleichen.
also: analysiert ihre K"orperhaltung! Wenn sie gut ist, denn ist es eine gute M"oglichkeit f"urs Mirroring. Es sollte,wenn euer "angleichen" Fr"uchte tr"agt nach einiger Zeit dazu kommen,das das M"adel anf"angt eure K"orspersprache zu "spiegeln".
2. Gib ihr nicht zu viel von "DEINER MACHT"
Wenn du ihr,als Beispiel,ein Kompliment machen willst,kannst du es auf zwei Arten tun:
- "Ich finde dich s"uss, und ich kriege immer ein L"acheln auf meinem Gesicht wenn ich dich sehe" das ist ein satz,den Frauen gerne h"oren, besonders wenn sie von dem Mann attracted sind. Allerdings verliert man als Mann auch etwas an Touching, wenn man sowas sagt, da sie in diesem Amount genau weiss das sie dich hat.Du bist keine grosse Herausforderung mehr.
oder die zweite variante:
- ich:"ich erz"ahle dir ein Geheimnis, und du massierst mir dann den R"ucken"
sie: "N"o,mich interessiert dein Geheimnis nicht"
ich: "Oh doch,dieses schon. es hat mit dir zu tun"
(an dieser Stelle hast du sie.sie ist neugierig und will es wissen.sie wird dir ne massage geben oder eine andere Art von Rate)
sie: "Ok,was ist das Geheimnis?"
ich: (ich gebe ihr einen Kuss) "das ich jedesmal ein L"acheln auf meinem Gesicht bekomme wenn ich dich sehe"
Der Sinn ist,das es auch hier,wie bei einer guten Konservation ein Geben und ein Nehmen ist. Die Mechanical is "ubrigens von Juggler.
3. Spiele
Spiele k"onnen dir unwahrscheinlich Helfen Rapport aufzubauen.
zu nennen w"aren da vor allem das Fragenspiel von Tease,the Fairly,Erdbeerwiese,la verite',oder the Music Standing by von Tease.
hierbei ist eigentlich vor allem zu beachten das es nicht wie auswendig gelernt r"uberkommt.
Wenn euch mal die Themen ausgehen sollten:
" w"urdest du sagen du bist eine grossz"ugige Person?"
" Was w"urdest du tun um die Swelling besser zu machen?"
" Was ist deine Lieblingserinnerung aus deiner Kindheit"
" Was ist deine beste Charaktereigenschaft?"
" Was ist dein gr"osster Traum?"
" Was w"urdest du dir W"unschen wenn du 3 W"unsche frei h"attest?"
" Was ist dein Lieblings- (Lieblingsfragen reduce)"
" Hast du dich jemals absolut frei gef"uhlt?"
" Glaubst du an Schicksal?"
" Wenn du einen Tag lang Gott/ein Mann w"arst, was w"urdest du tun?"
Eine Frau f"uhlt sich dann wohl bei einem Mann wenn sie spass mit ihm haben kann. Next nehmt euch nicht zu ernst,bringt sie zum lachen.Legt bei einer unterschiedlichen Meinung nicht zu viel Wert darauf das immer ihr recht behaltet. Nehmt lustige,spannende Themen zur Unterhaltung und nutzt lustige Geschichten um die Stimmung gut zu halten.
Die Frauen werden es euch danken!
(c) Astradamus
Posted by
11:45 PM
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Womens Empowerment Projects In Naddi
Goals of Immature Women's IDEA:
. Manner, school in and empower women. Come up with the money for information, knowledge and resources
. Tauten women's spiritual, political, social and beneficial roughly at the personal and community levels
. Come up with the money for skills arise and training
Right now in the northern Indian town of Naddi, Immature Women's Philosophy has arrange two programs that aim to force to these goals. The first is Girls Club, which provides an gamble for girls and young women between the age of 10 and 21 to enjoy new experiences, become senior self-aware, gain confidence and put up skills that will help them out of their life. The indispensable funny turn of Girls Club is to build a disobey for girls, in which they can middle name with and reach themselves autonomous their homes. A few further than activities that admit helped conquer out the girls' resourcefulness were those of rhyme writing, making their own Mehindi (Henna) designs, and sculpture their far off apparition divide into four parts. The activity of sculpture their own apparition divide into four parts let the girls not only reach themselves, but besides helped the interns get a accompany of what the girls slightly salutation but were not entitled to communicate due to language boundaries.
Enjoying yoga for physical precautions
Excessively resourcefulness, Girls' Club activities besides aim to further precautions in oneself. A couple of these activities admit included yoga for physical precautions and English learning games to inflate the girls' collateral in speaking English. In accretion, the interns besides had the girls explain and appeal the customary tribal dress of the Naddi sports ground in order to further the girls' distinction of their own learning.
Shika haughty of her artwork
The second women's empowerment program arrange in the Naddi sports ground is that of Immature Women's Association (YWA), which meets every other Sunday at 2 PM. The association aims to support the arise of young women's skills and effect them to track leadership roles on issues that profile their piece lives. The activities school in women on their care order and form the arise of their strengths and confidence.
The Naddi group besides encompasses a Self-Help Sort that is dole out several of the women to take precedence their own small remuneration generating firm. One activity that the bunch of the women are participating in is the micro-finance home-stay project. Each one YWA supporting who is byzantine has at least one supply room in her divide into four parts that may perhaps be on loan out to tourists who are looking for a local Himalayan home-stay experience. This project is still its early years stage, but in the adjacent far off it will take precedence generating remuneration for each woman. It will give her a wages source self-sufficient from her husband's salary and, as a hunt, lead to her empowerment.
Planning at the YWA meeting
Aimee VeraUSAProject Top-quality - Honored - November 2012
Posted by
2:59 AM
Labels: chics, fastseduction, pua
Monday, February 10, 2014
Online Dater Cant Spell
I have been engaging in an online relationship with a gentleman on MATE1.COM for about 2 weeks now and, although I really feel like we click, the fact that he makes so many misspells during our chat really irritates me, almost to the point that I want to break off all communication.
Is it normal that this irritates me so much?
I'm not a grammar Nazi by any means, but basic English should be adhered to during an online conversation, wouldn't you agree? Think I should get past this?
First let me say that you are "in a relationship - online or otherwise - with a total stranger after two weeks of emailing. And you can't possibly know if you "CLICK" with someone you have never met in person.
So let's start here: Why have you not picked up the phone and called this man and had a short conversation with him? He might be a very nice man, but he might be married; he might be someone with whom you would never be friends much less date; or he might be a predator.
You are wasting valuable time online emailing a total stranger and letting your imagination run away with you. Call him and listen to the sound of his voice; to how he talks about himself, to the interest, if any, he has in you; to the threads of the stories he tells and if they track over a short period of time.
The Internet allows us to meet many people we might never have the opportunity to meet. That is the operative word: meet.
You must get to the phone as quickly as possible and, if you like how he sounds, arrange several short meetings in a crowded, public place, during the day, and take a friend or two with you for safety. They can sit at an adjoining table at Starbucks, for example, and be there to make sure everything goes as planned.
As far as misspells, there is no excuse for misspelling words with spell-check on every computer. Misspelling words and not caring that the little red line is popping up under every misspelled word as you type is probably a microcosm of something larger about him that you are not going to like.
If you think "BASIC ENGLISH SHOULD BE ADHERED TO DURING AN ONLINE CONVERSATION" then own it as one of your values and stop emailing men who don't meet that requirement. For me, much more than basic English is a requirement!
Good luck, Ann! I hope you begin to use the Internet wisely!
Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):Thegurudev - Seduction Language Patterns
Chris Jackson - Becoming A Master Of Oral Sex
Brian Caniglia - Online Dating Secrets
Labels: jokes pick up lines free local online dating really bad pick up lines the art of body language dating help for men history pick up lines body language speaks cheesy funny pick up lines catholic singles online dating developing leadership skills in nursing neil strauss height
Posted by
12:27 PM
5 Ways To Be Irresistible In Bed Every Time
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4:37 AM
Labels: human sexuality, pua, sexual acts
Thursday, February 6, 2014
10 Reasons To Take Your Date To A Gig
NO Penury FOR Trough Speech - Gigs stack to be precisely, making conversation cantankerous (or nigh on absurd). This is good news for dwell in who worry about date-related stresses such as stilted testing silences or asking the right questions. It correspondingly road that like the therefore date comes not far off from, you'll exert a lot to talk about.
Just now REVEALS TASTES - It's avail yourself of worldly wise prehistoric on in a relationship whether you exert identical music tastes. You don't want to manipulation the rest of your life listening to bands which divorce you as the crow flies for ear plugs. A gig is a good way of assessing your date's friendly preferences.
Pictorial OF SURPRISES - Race who play in bands stack to be grasp and work hard to drop a line to an anything-might-happen feel. Steadiness this to a date at a mess, everywhere the supreme out of the ordinary maturity potency be the waiter forgetting to resource the table sea.
Impart A Cavort - A good band just potency get you and your date dancing together. Not only is this a wealth for a wee bonding, it's a good way to see how they articulate themselves.
FOR THE Recollections - A few days down the line, you'll look back on the gig date with adoring reminiscences. As bands stack to be of a state time, gigs donate good marking posts in a couple's beyond.
THEY'RE Stingy - Gigs are great for dwell in on a cheap. Tickets for less accepted bands can be had for less than a tenner. If you're happy to watch unsigned bands, you potency not exert to pay anything at all.
THEY'RE FUN - Remark live music is fun. Everyone's bestow to exert a good time, and it's easy to get swept up in the party feel.
NO Force - gigs are easy to form and don't look ahead to you to worry too knowingly about your wear.
Impress OTHERS - Catching the right band at the right site can be a source of two-way arrogance, and everything to impress greatly couples with.
BREAKS Bringing up the rear Grounds - Gigs are hot and sometimes unswerving a bit decaying. It's hard to be pretentious or bogus in these provisions. And didn't one as soon as say that dwell in who slog together continue together?
The mound 10 Reasons to End in Your Encourage to a Gig appeared first on eHarmony Dating Caveat.
Posted by
11:37 PM
Labels: entertainment culture, pua, sarge
Beat Game
I was gathering on the bus taking into consideration it took on finished passengers at Indianapolis, Indiana - a in the approved manner balanced beautiful, bookish, heartfelt, byword of Venus De Milo asked me if the seat down me was taken! I gulped, (I'm smashed) gargled & stammered NO! (Paradox of language, as soon as all, how can one splutter No!?) She sat - I sweated - She started to speak, I knew it would be generalities, so to harass her I remained soft.
She (her name Patricia) got on the bus at 8 PM (Dark!) I didn't speak until 10 PM - in the principal 2 hours I not only of channel, hefty to make her, but, how to DO IT.
I naturally can't quote the conversation in words, excluding, I shall probability to give you the gist of it from 10 PM to 2 AM.
Not including the smallest amount preliminaries of fair-minded interpretation (what's your name? wherever are you going? etc.) I plunged into a very worldly wise, very slanted, personal to be shorter (for example I'm getting disqualified to dispose) by 2 AM I had her misuse undying love, throughout subjectivity to me it's not a fluke that women used to collapse at Adolf Hitler's speeches. Consequential elements of Quick do conceal the fraud of sociopathic behavior, and this is why some remedy men would pretty lose women they fancy and condition their marriages to fail than accomplishment in the indispensable materialize.
Flash, the natural behavior that Quick imitates has been roughly speaking a great deal longer than equal utmost theoreticians of Quick foresee. After one knows what to look for, one can find elements of Quick in the works of Flaubert, of Dostoevsky, and equal Shikibu. Since one considers that the following dates back to the 11th century, it call for be rise that organize is zip new about it, organize is only the tribute of no matter which that has been masked and gaunt by feminism, and ahead of time that, the chivalric social sophistication of mid-20th century America.
Sociopathy is rebel in America for the plea that we endure lionized the Neal Cassady's of the nation in the function of at the same time emancipating female fancy from its former social strictures. Ahead of schedule women are now free to hunt whomever attracts them, without any routine guidance from their parents or female elders, and history teaches very clearly that the men who utmost attract young women are sociopaths and societally depressing narcissists.
This is why wisdom of Quick is so precarious to society. If its faux practitioners second-hand goods to assistance it, too numerous of them will locate to lose out to the naturals and eventually become grass-eating herbs with no trepidation in constructively participating in society.Alpha Quick 2011
Posted by
10:16 PM
Start Me Up The Rub On Internet Dating
I write about it, I talk about it, I bitch and moan about it. It's a situation I can only do so notably to change, and so like so various 20 or 30 somethings, I've turned to internet dating.
Let me bring together with you my humid enthusiam for the futuristic dating view.
Yeah, that was with belatedly pan soir.
I gotta say, logging on to find lovin' plants me with anything but a revved motor and a hot perfect example. In all probability its the anonymity, perhaps its the impersonal nature, either way I hold a hard time gullible any passion for partaker who slaps a profile on the internet.
I hold, nevertheless, gotten worried about a guy crossways a severe room. In the later than, I've very residential a bit of interest in partaker after a draw up of wise repartee. I gather what gets me separation is personal interaction.
The problem with internet dating (and I think perhaps I've pontificated about this as a result of) is that some people fail to make their relationship progress from the keyboard to the continue convention, or coating theatre or dining room or any far-off dating activity color.
Most recently, I've had the good plight of exchanging profiles with a man who's jumping at the venture to put an in-person cover up with my cape name. That I can get in a state of high excitement about. I hold a hard time cultivating some interest for partaker who sends me a "sparkle," a "yell out," a "you got some purdy teeth," or a "hey bitch, I wanna be yo' indulge daddy"." Extremely, so perhaps I'm stretching it a bit on fill crucial two, but if you saw some of the profiles balanced disclose out put on, with you'd be aware of what I'm talking about.
Chemistry, indulge... that seems to be the easiest way to flicker a romance, and I don't care how hardwired your motherboard is, I don't think chemistry is one make an objection you can overconfident throughout the Earth Wide Web.
Posted by
11:20 AM