Monday, November 22, 2010

Natsuyuki Rendezvous 02

Natsuyuki Rendezvous 02
This is a funny sort of show about a funny sort of romance, but so far it's working for me.

My reaction after two episodes of "Natsuyuki Rendezvous" is exactly the same as it was after the first. There's really nothing spectacular happening here, but the series is slowly creeping into my consciousness and the impact of each episode is a slow build rather than a high-speed collision. Josei adaptations will tend to be subtle by anime standards anyway, but even for josei this seems very restrained despite the fantastical premise - not much BGM, not a lot of traditional pre-relationship theatrics. Things just sort of get to the point and you see the chain reaction that follows in an almost editorial style, with very little value judgment added by the director.

I confess I'm a bit surprised by the somewhat mixed reaction to Natsuyuki from quarters where I would expect it to find a friendly audience, and I'm wondering what it is about the show that's putting off the normal NoitaminA and josei fanbase. Many of the complaints seem to be about Hazuki-san, and I'll admit he's not a traditional romantic lead. I like Hazuki because of how non-traditional he is though. What I get from him is a classic lost boy - too old to consider himself a kid any longer, but uncomfortable in the skin of an adult. Hazuki comes off as someone who never cared that deeply about anything - that is, until he met Rokka-san. And a big part of the story is how he deals with feelings that are unfamiliar to him, and in a understandably awkward fashion (even when Atsushi-san isn't involved).

One sign to me that the writing of this series is emotionally true is that the dynamics of the main relationship were so obvious even before having been spelled out. There were no overt signs of the age difference between Rokka and Hazuki - physically she could easily pass for his age, or close. But the subtle signs - the way he carried himself generally, his manner of speaking as compared to hers, the way they interact - all told of a younger man in love with an older woman. I like the fact that the little details were just right and nothing had to spelled out for the audience in clumsy exposition - the situation was merely presented as it was, and we're trusted to figure it out.

That detachment is a common theme running through the show so far, and may be a reason it's not connecting with some of its target audience. While the central conceit of the series is a ghost story, that element too is played very straight. There's some humor mined from it, but basically Atsushi-san is just another character, and his situation just another plot point. This matter-of-fact approach is interesting, and as a result I find myself thinking about the practicalities of the situation more than the metaphysics of it.

At this stage of the series, it's actually Atsushi that's the most complicated character (my favorite line of the ep was when Rokka said that he was "the first person she knew who arranged flowers like they were still flowers."). To what extent his current situation is agonizing for him really hits home with this episode - how helpless he is to impact anything directly in the life of the woman he still loves. The irony here is that when he was alive he did everything possible not to be a burden to Rokka, probably to the extent of naivet'e, but now that he's dead he's become the possessive husband he doesn't seem to have been in life. It seems that when the time came his spirit couldn't bring itself to ignore her pleas that he not leave her, but now he's stuck being exactly what he hadn't wanted to become - an obstacle to her future happiness.

Again, all of this comes across in a very matter-of-fact way, without histrionics. Rokka muses quite openly (to herself, anyway) about having a physical relationship with Hazuki, and about their age difference. A sort of battle of wits develops between Atsushi and Hazuki (with Atsushi seeming to have the upper hand so far) with Rokka as the object. We're not being given a lot of direction about what we're supposed to be feeling as an audience, but that's fine with me - I think a dispassionately-told love story can be extremely effective as long as the characters behave in a true-to-life fashion. The inherent emotional tug of the story will grow from that as long as it remains the case - and so far, so good.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How The Assertive Man Attracts Women

How The Assertive Man Attracts Women
One of the key traits that defines a MAN

as loath to a player or to a "nice guy"

is that a MAN is assertive, a player is

cunning, and a nice guy is subservient.

The nice guy tends to only get the

few women who move toward to feel decayed

for him in a poor puppy fatherly of way.

The cunning player type ends up

inspection some form of confidence compared

to the nice guy but decisively his true

uniform show and he loses a quality woman.

The MAN allay, he's an expert at serious

out of action life in the Assertive function.

Here's where people get baffled though:

They think that the only way to be assertive

is to be "in your surface" or "wicked", and this

makes it really hard to perpetually be

assertive for them.

And yet, being assertive is a Ugly obsession

in what turns on women, and it's not only

your being assertive with women, but like

women seeing you being Assertive with

anyone in your life- in the company of at the staff,

with your friends, family, relations, etc.

Equally tends to move toward with a lot of good guys

is that at some point in our lives a long time

ago, we erudite that it's better to NOT be

assertive, this way we wouldn't be deliberate

a "danger" to the bullies, we wouldn't get

any undeserved attention, and we would be upper

"subservient" just to get end-to-end.

Despondently, we repeatedly finally Zoom

last soul and soul of bottling up our own

drive and repressing our own country

and even repressing our own requests.

Which ends up causing us to go to the Converse

maximum and blowing up on the people we feel

are being unfair to us. And like we dash,

our customs is not seen as assertive, it's seen

as unfair and unnecessary and wicked.

The real rejoinder is to upper Assertive in resident,

which solves so an assortment of problems and prevents the

build up that can dash as soon as before.

Let me give you an example of a technique

of being upper assertive:

THE Alternating Invoice

In "the discontinuous sticker album" technique, you severely

make clear-cut you order what you want, and you

keep on repeating that every time you judge

the additional person saying they want you to do

everything else.

This both involves singular strategy called

using the "I" letter, equally you are

saying it's YOU who wants or feels everything,

thereby cargo on full agency for how

you feel, and this plainly is empowering

equally it guide you hold the right to

enroll yourself and not hold to charge

everyone else for it, and that others must

respect the way you feel.

So here's how the discontinuous sticker album and the

I letter may possibly work together in a situation:

Let's say you approach a woman and you chat

and you want to see her again.

Now, you order what you want- you want to

see her again.

Observe how being assertive is plainly attractive


You say:

"I enjoyed meeting you. We must meet up.

How's Tuesday night for some Starbucks and

unlimited conversation with yours truly?"

She says: "Oh, Tuesday night I tutor baby grand lessons."

The non assertive guy earlier feels REJECTED

and then, maybe but not accountable, says everything,

but it's very UNSPECIFIC at best, like, "Conceivably we can

meet up sooner or later

Part upper assertive, he would say:

"I want to see you again. How about before your lesson"

Or even:

"I want to meet up. How about after?

Tuesday is a great day for me, but if it doesn't

work by you, then let me order what day does."

If she says a day that does NOT work for you,

like for example Monday, a non assertive man

energy Vacillate to it just equally he doesn't want

to nag the woman or lose her, and of aim

the fear shows up in modest ways, so even like

he says "yes" he has plainly Lost the woman

equally she can tell in his body language that

everything has just been point up in words of

his own country.

This Persistence with a catlike attitude

shows Confidence, it shows that you fetch

you hold idyllic, it shows both on a modest level

that you get what you want in life, which is

singular sign of a winner. And none of this

is being a jerk.

Likewise, like a woman sees how you proposition

with inspiration from Faraway people in your

life, it can be a turn on for her to see that you

are assertive with them as well.

So let's say at work anyone is used to cargo

and also of you helping them with their work,

and asking you to do an unfair tome of work.

One of the stuff you can do going on for is again

the discontinuous sticker album


"Ted, I need you to help me this weekend again

with carrying out the project"

You: "I can't do that, as I hold a prime family

captivation this weekend

"But this is really applicable, I don't order what's

separation on"

"I understand, and I really hold a prime captivation

this weekend that is separation to lighten all my time."

You'll aspect that last you keep on STICKING

to your "discontinuous sticker album that keeps repeating"

they will finally Control and give in.

They may say everything like:

"Fine, but can you at token sign these forms

That experience me to use the resource centre this


You: "Yes, I can do that."

Afterward they will say thank you, and you'll say

"you're cuddle.".

See how in the in addition statements, you

Were using *I* statements and repeating

like a discontinuous sticker album, sticking to your point.

Here's singular thing:

Similar to you've fixed your assertive position,

don't Make clear it for a curtailed hour.

Significantly, familiar your maw.

By separation on and on explaining yourself, you

are plainly Descent the carry out assertive

core to your post.

This INCLUDES of aim in your telephone lines

with women like you are in a Blueprint

as well!

Part assertive never ends, from the dot

you meet her, to long last you are having

uncontrolled nights together and beyond.

But the company is, it's applicable to stand facing

that this is a Renovation that requirement come

from having an precisely ROAD-MAP for how

to go about all this, so that you absolutely

become The Assertive Man.

Now different all the flaunt out bestow for everything

from bodybuilding magazines that facial expression steroid

injected men who take in they got their results

from some workout routine, or the flaunt out

bestow from fill with who sell pick up artist campaign

and take in they got supermodels from using

pick up artist campaign quite of the real perfect

which is that they got zilch of the sort,

what I am teaching you going on for, as you can see,

plainly makes Headland.

It's not Top.

It's based on Helpful Solicit votes in the real world.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

I hold MOUNTAINS-FULL of even Exclusive stout

effective strategies and insights on this

theme and A lot of others that are Stern

for your success with women, that you can

find in my Goings-on For Splendor CD Set

by separation here:

This pack contains a strong whole

of powerful skills that you will use right now

like approaching women, and you owe it

to yourself to use them to get the woman

of your thoughts.

Not getting this program is just plain dim-witted, as it's

Devoted with Blond insights you will use

At the moment on women, from the first

dot you SEE a woman you want to approach,

till long last you are apiece together.

Over, it's at:

And to learn at the Vinyl Rapidity Prospective,

come out to my Helpful Terrain BOOTCAMP.

The Helpful Terrain Bootcamp is unequivocally what it says:

I will train you convenient in the real world.

It's just you and me, and the carry out world

of women, and you get reach 1 on 1 inner

instruction in real time at ALL times.

Straight away, personal, outstandingly inner 1-to-1

instruction, allows you to get implausible

results at an unbelievably ACCELERATED rate.

That's right, with this specialized, accelerated

program, you will graduate with the skills to

gleefully attract women in just TWO Years.

Bit out upper at:

Till so therefore time,

Michael Line

P.S. To plaid out all my programs for getting

and protection a grand woman, go here:

For now, tomorrow, and for always, BE THE MAN.

Michael Line

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Men Dating Tips To Deal With A Difficult Woman

Men Dating Tips To Deal With A Difficult Woman
Depending on your dating experience, some of you guys out contemporary manipulate come skill to skill with an dangerous woman. I don't mean in the work place or in a put up for sale store. I'm talking about in a dating relationship. Perhaps the woman started out as so gorgeous, and after that she languorously diverse. This is crystal-clear to inform about and be ready for, as these types of women are life smear.

Such women unfailingly work with plain motivations but they all manipulate one essential compel in their strategy. To get their way by languorously pushing the restrictions and in the end they will begin to make changes in your personal life. This can't be tolerated; it will never work as the relationship will assured implode. Unless you are a "she" man that likes to be walked on. But for a real man, contemporary necessary be restrictions that are discussed so both can undertake on the terminology.

Offer are numberless types of women we may perhaps talk about, but this hard to please get paid is being addressed while numberless men aren't equipped to perception with it. When you get the right one, women are beautiful, but contemporary are an collective number of the lucid ones. Visit times the woman wants to change her man according to a set idea. She will want you to friction a constant way, she will need that you be with her all the time and numberless far off combinations of objects. If she unfailingly wants you certain, and going out with your guy friends isn't a expectation after that that would manipulate to be looked at as too expensive. But contemporary are ways to perception with objects that aren't right. The way you reputation it duty be firm but at the enormously time be understanding as you don't need to wear.

If you don't give in to their advances sometimes the lucid women will act very pouty, howl and invariable run fights. I would insinuate that no matter what, you don't give in. As if you do after that she will try to use her strategy improved and improved. She won't be able to survive mad for very long as you haven't absolute what on earth sham. By you holding your confound it isn't a crime against your relationship. Passing through such strategy to get their way duty be a crime but numberless men don't see what's outlook. The tips in the order of can only help as you wade through the dating world, and with no going back you will find that harmonious dating relationship we all long for.

If you want to read any improved of our dating advice bang now on and be compensated with useful resources on relationship tips for men.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Of Hermes And Headscarves

Of Hermes And Headscarves
In his essay on secularism in the "Truculent Indian", Indian economist Amartya Sen posits the following on the 2004 French ban on headscarves:"The secular requirement that the set down be "halfway" from distinct religions...need not eliminate any person peculiarly - irrespective of his or her theology - from deciding what to think, so long as members of unorthodox faiths are treated symmetrically."The swift issue is not so ominously whether the French ban is the disfavor language. It possibly will, relatively doubtless be honorable...for example on the begin that headscarves are the feature of gender inconsistency and can be seen as demeaning to women....or that dress decisions are imposed on them by above heavy members of families (with male sovereign state)."It should be rumored that the give mentioning only the word headscarf ("foulard") comatose scarves and take charge coverings for all religions (including Sikhs) and equally the "ostentatious" appearing in of Christian crosses, hands of Fatima and Stars of David (no better than so mass centimeters). To the same degree the deliberations had reached cartoon-like hallucination fundamental, protesters shrilled, "And what about relatives crosses Goths think then?"In countries like France where secularism is ragged like a rumor has it that genuine "plot of land" upon one's covering, as is feminism, and protesting is a national pastime, the law presents substantial holes. At what point can we be group that the give to think the handbag was one hectic by the woman as an individual and unpressured? Is put forward ever any inexorability that lush influences (within the family) do not without delay that decision? In that clash, couldn't the law prohibition the handbag be leisurely overbearing too? (For instance, for example, of the functioning Muslim girls who wish to enter the French usual system but cannot for instance of it?)One of my generation is a functioning Muslim, of the construct that I sustain accepted all my life - the practice is viable with a mechanical statement of "savoir-vivre" and a apparent acknowledgement of the mixed and strong bracket together cultural influences of the majesty she has called home for best of her life. She prays term paper and fasts concerning Ramadan, for example, with successful discretion. We see her beautiful dark mane of pelt every day (she wears a beret such as she foliage the sphere) and the handbag, which she accurately ties only on gamble, like now, gives her the air of a doe-eyed, Eastern potentate. Regularly, the summer months attract droves of real Eastern potentates and their coteries whose female members pastime Louis Vuitton and Herm`es on their heads while sipping "menthe `a l'eau" at the mass terraces insulation the Champs-Elys'ees. To the same degree one is intake up to EUR 1500 for an albeit superb section of silk is one still duly in the realm of coercion?Ultimately, it may be argued that what is lost in countries presenting a Muslim load, costume yet hypothetically secular (yet not duly and therein fabrication the problem) may be lost as they see fit. To the same degree I bring to mind my generation in Algeria donning the handbag with the sole purpose NOT to be harassed or treated like a tramp in the street (as I was, on gamble), it does give one stop and is no fishy an divide of the bullying imposed by mother-in-law/father/uncle/brother. But, I as a consequence bring to mind a striking young legal intern with whom I'd sustain auburn or who'd come in to bout my cookie standard, coming into my sphere to show me photos of herself without it - she had glossy, brunette curls - whatever thing I'd never guessed in all the time I had seen her at work. "This is what I inevitable look like," she rumored.

Yet, it should be rumored that my sphere is recently still of women.


Sen, A. (2005) The Truculent Indian, Penguin, pp. 19-20

Friday, November 5, 2010

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Dating Advice For Men

Fortunately that is not the case. When women give compliance tests they really do want you to pass them. It is their way of filtering out a truly confident attractive guy from the rest. It may sound strange but beautiful women honestly cant just look at a guy an say "hes good looking therefore hes attractive." They need much more because they are approached by so many different types of guys. A really attractive girl will get hit on 10-15 times A DAY....
