Sunday, July 28, 2013

So Why Do Women Like Idiots

So Why Do Women Like Idiots
"Even he doesn't know, why a girl likes him"

I'm often asked by so-called "nice guys" why women keep rejecting them for Idiots. It's a complicated answer, which I'm about to explain. But first, we must discuss whether or not it's actually true that women go for jerks over nice guys. What I have found is that women don't go for Idiots. Girls go for Idiots. The problem is that nice guys continually go after these immature girls because they look good. Guess what - those girls you want to date are going for the Idiots because they look good.


"They like men who are at or below their level"

It's not about being a jerk or a nice guy. It's about being on her level either personality-wise or in terms of appearance, or both. In order to get any woman, you need to be on her level. Or, at least, you need her to think you're on her level. That means you must have something of equal value to offer her. You can get a woman that's way more physically attractive than you, but you better have her dominated in some other area. For example, a guy with an awesome personality and average looks can get a hottie easily.

The women that absolutely refuse to give a man that is not on their level in terms of physical attractiveness are shallow, insecure, and not really worth dating. These women go for Idiots for two reasons: Idiots are often good looking guys and they are a challenge. Immature women - or, should I say girls - like a bit of a challenge. Men who are jerks generally cheat on women and treat them like dirt, but they think they can change him. Of course, that never happens and they're left complaining on Facebook about how they're sick and tired of dating jerks. Then she rejects another nice guy for a jerk the next day.

Mature women, on the other hand are completely opposite. Sure, physical attraction means something to someone. But they are more willing to give a guy that isn't as "hot" as another guy if he has a better personality, lives a more interesting lifestyle, is loyal, and has his act together. When it comes to healthy relationships that last, these are the most important traits any woman seeks in a man.

Don't worry about the chicks that dig the morons. You shouldn't be going after them anyway. They're immature, snobby, and full of themselves. Unless you're a jerk with a perfectly shaped face and well toned body they won't date you. So go after the "good" women. The women that appreciate a man that treats her like a woman should be treated. There's plenty of these women online. I know you can find one.

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