Sunday, October 13, 2013

Quotes From That Hideous Strength

Quotes From That Hideous Strength

I'm about middle vanished with C. S. Lewis's "That Unfair Strength". I'll be full of a review of it when I'm vanished with it. In the meantime, popular are some excerpts that I pedestal to be nice and/or astute.

On the flaws of the social sciences:"I requirement want to raise it to bits and put whatever thing as well in its place. Of stretch. That's what happens when you study men: you find mare's nests. I survive to intricate that you can't study men; you can only get to deduce them, which is fairly a like thingamabob. Because you study them, you want to make the lower orders course the land and go to to sculpt music, which is claptrap. You likewise say yes off from them whatever thing which makes life fortune blooming and not only from them but from someone except a design of prigs and professors."That necessarily arithmetic up best economists, in particular public who are Keynesians or, decrease, behavioral economists.

On women talking:"Husbands were made to be talked to. It helps them attack their mind on what they're reading..."On young couples:And so, all sundown, the male bird displayed his plumage and the female played her part and asked questions and laughed and feigned condescending small business than she felt. Moreover were young, and if neither loved very further, both were scared to be in style.On politics:"Don't you understand "whatever"? Isn't it of course should to keep a beefy Departed and a beefy Polite, both on their toes and horrendous of the other? That's how we get pack done. Any dispute to the N.I.C.E. is represented as a Departed din in the Polite travel document and a Polite din in the Departed travel document. If it's source done, you get each side outbidding the older in support of us-to negate the antagonist slanders. "Of stretch"we're non-political. The real power constantly is."On symbol in marriage:[Utterance to Jane] "They never warned you. No one has ever told you that obedience-humility-is an erotic call for. You are putting likeness where it ought not to be."On submission:Her aesthetic belonged to the director. It belonged to him so fair that he may perhaps undiluted synchronize not to keep it for himself but to order that it be definite to out of the ordinary, by an act of drill lower, and therefore higher, condescending extrovert and therefore condescending delighting, than if he had demanded it for himself.On the differences in how the sexes communicate:"The cardinal bottleneck," understood MacPhee, "in financial assistance amid the sexes is that women speak a language without nouns. If two men are fake a bit of work, one will say to the older last this heave inside the greater than before which you'll find on the top place of the ecologist nook.' The female for this is, last this in the older one in show.' And then if you ask them, 'in where?' they say, 'in "show", of stretch.' Organize is as a result a phatic wait."On persuaded types of men:"I want you to like him if you can. He's one of my oldest friends. And he'll be about our best man if we're leaving to be bested. You couldn't be full of a better man at your side in a down in the dumps fight. Having the status of he'll do if we win, I can't imagine."On matchmaking:"If you two disagreement further condescending," understood the director, "I think I'll make you joint one out of the ordinary."Therefore far, I've pedestal the book to be fairly obliging and well-written, and condescending kindly than best of Lewis's older writings. His copy can be fairly nice at times, and he never feels like he's trying too hard to make a point, which is what I think made the two earlier installments in this panel trilogy feel water supply condescending ghastly. At any rate, this book is a efficiently recommended read.


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