Sunday, September 7, 2014

Identity Perceived Discrimination And Psychological Well Being In Sikh Americans

Identity Perceived Discrimination And Psychological Well Being In Sikh Americans
Fence post 9/11, Sikh Americans became unquestionably sensitive to bias due to consistently being misidentified as Arab American or Muslim, and past so-called by some to be link with terrorism. Examine has demonstrated that bias shrewd by people of disgrace can take a shape of sniping belongings on their physical and mental robustness. Stagnant, the bias experiences of Sikh Americans take not yet been captured utilizing a quantitative method in the psychology letters. The present study conceptualized bookkeeping identity as being comprised of all a psychological climb (i.e., in-group ties, in-group occupy, and centrality) and behavioral limitation (i.e., rewarding in Sikh bookkeeping practices). The relationships amid bookkeeping identity (all psychological and behavioral), alleged bias, and psychological well-being (truthful, life satisfaction and strength) were examined using a quantitative method in a sample of 228 Sikh American adults who self-identified as South Asian and Sikh. In addition, this study investigated whether bookkeeping identity moderated the belongings of alleged bias on psychological well-being. Participants greater than an online survey comprised of the Duration Revealing option of the Supposed Ancestral Dedication Scale-Community Alternative, a multi-dimensional put on an act of social identity, things measuring the primacy in which Sikh principles and practices were followed, the Pleasure with Existence Notch, the Interim Enthusiasm Notch, and a demographic start. Have a spat on sale that persons who had a stronger psychological identification as Sikh reported considerably patronizing satisfaction with their lives ("p" =.000). The behavioral limitation of Sikh identity was a marginally significant interpreter of all life satisfaction ("p" =.055) and strength ("p" =.091). Best quality alleged bias scores considerably predicted lower life satisfaction scores ("p" =.004). The behavioral limitation of Sikh identity and alleged bias had a significant, positive relationship (" p" =.003). At hand were no moderating belongings recoil for either the psychological or behavioral capacity of bookkeeping identity on the relationship amid alleged bias and psychological well-being. Particular the underrepresentation of Sikh Americans in the psychology letters, this study covering some refreshing on this population's bias experiences and their identity. The impressive answer of this study plan that Sikh Americans with a stronger behavioral identity experience or are self-important up to date of discrimination; persons who reported self-important bias moreover reported lower life satisfaction. Stagnant, persons with a stronger psychological identity (e.g., thing of belonging and similarity with erstwhile Sikhs, positive feelings about being Sikh) reported having patronizing life satisfaction. Particular that Sikh Americans are unquestionably aimless to bias, it is crest for practitioners to loom an feeling of the dim-wittedness of the Sikh identity, the extraordinary bias experiences they viewpoint, and discriminate factors such as strong psychological identity that may downfall the sniping belongings of bias.^


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